Monday, March 30, 2009

The terror Liberians faced every day

ABC News' Tom Sawyer takes you into Liberia's brutal civil war. Click here

A touching message for all Liberians

Liberian musical stars, Zack Roberts and Geebah Swaray, have a message for all Liberians. Click here to hear that marvelous song:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Harry Fumba Moniba Foundation Established

Philadelphia, 03/12/09 - A foundation honoring the late Dr. Harry Fumba Moniba, former Vice President of Liberia, has been established by the Moniba Family. The formal launching of "The Dr. Harry Fumba Moniba Foundation" is scheduled for Monday, March 16, according to his widow, Mrs. Minita Kollie Moniba.
Dr. Moniba died in a two-car accident on November 24, 2004 in Michigan while preparing to launch his campaign for the Liberian presidency in the 2005 election Ellen Sirleaf "won."

Mrs. Moniba told the Sloh Information Service today that although her late husband may not have driven his putting “Liberia First” campaign to completion, "he had a clear vision and tirelessly articulated it." She said Dr. Moniba "wanted to provide a leadership that is selfless, inclusive, and exemplary," adding, "He cared about Liberia and had a passion for putting national interest above his own."

She recalled that her father was "unwavering in his commitment to peace and respect for rule of law – a commitment which his few critics took for weakness, although many of his supporters and admirers see his non-violent stance as strength."
She said the Moniba Family and true friends believe that his dedication to a peaceful change was a major stabilizing factor in the successful creation of the multi-party system which today forms the basis for violence-free competitive elections even in post-war Liberia.
"In his home going, he did not only leave behind a lasting memory of a loving husband, father, grandfather, and brother, he also left a legacy of national leadership with honesty and integrity which is to be admired and emulated. Part of his ever lasting legacy will be the shining example he set for his fellow citizens in that hard work, dedication and love for a country will drive a man to do great things, and, thus, a nation to do great things," she noted.
Mrs. Moniba demonstrated unwavering gratitude to friends of the Moniba family by saying, "I want to sincerely thank all those who have continued to identify with us during and after our period of bereavement. Your overwhelming outpouring of concerns and affections continues to remind us of the positive impact that Dr. Moniba made in the lives of those around him as well as in national and foreign affairs."
She concluded, "I want to ask that you join us in keeping Dr. Moniba's leadership vision alive in the years ahead by working to make our great country of Liberia a place where democracy, freedom of speech, and the liberty of its citizens exist for the greater good of all Liberians."

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

ULAA Inauguration Continues to Pull Big Names

...NEKTAA, SIS Boss accepts Kesselly invitation
...Who will be left out?

Philadelphia, 3/11/09 (SIS) - The National President of the New Krutown Association in the Americas (NEKTAA), Mr. Jay Nagbe Sloh, has received and subsequently accepted an invitation from the President of the Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas (ULAA), Mr. Anthony Varfilay Kesselly, to attend the Union's inaugural festivities scheduled for this weekend in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

In his official invitation to President Sloh on March 7, 2009, President Kesselly said "This comes as a formal invitation to you and your Organization, the New Krutown Association in the Americas, to attend the Inaugural Dinner Ball of the Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas, slated to take place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, March 14, 2009."

President Kesselly informed President Sloh that he and his corps of officers were elected by ULAA's 34th National General Assembly held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on October 4, 2008, and that they were duly sworn into office in Chicago, Illinois, on November 15, 2008, in keeping with the Union's Elections Timetable. Now comes the inaugural ball, to which we humbly request the honor of your presence," President Kesselly noted.

In his official letter of acceptance to President Kesselly yesterday, President Sloh , who is also managing editor of the internationally acclaimed Sloh Information Service, said: “We present our compliments, and have the honor to officially acknowledge receipt of, and respond to, your invitation for us to attend the Union's inaugural Ball scheduled for March 14, 2009 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.”

He added: “NEKTAA notes, with thanks and appreciation, your track record of supporting its programs over the years. We also note, with interest, your assurance that our patronage of your program will assist foster some of your service delivery objectives. Additionally, we are gratified by the fact that your National Treasurer, Honorable Emmanuel Nimely Togba, is our own National Secretary-general.”

President Sloh further informed President Kesselly, “Based on the above, we gladly accept your invitation and will do everything within our powers and resources not only to attend this program, but mainly to ensure the overall success of your Administration.”

Sloh said NEKTAA, as a Liberian organization, looks forward to a productive partnership with ULAA in the two organizations' service delivery objectives.

“We wish you success, and avail our personal and official support as you begin the difficult task of rebuilding a ULAA that is much more responsive to the needs and aspirations of the Liberian people,” he concluded.